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Jul 31, 2012

Blueberry Scones

I've been whining for scones for quite awhile. Angie finally got sick of my pestering and made some for us... I'm kidding. I don't whine, but I have been wanting some and she did an awesome job, to say the least.

The angle and lighting of the shot were thanks to my dad who made the height adjustable platform for me. We designed it to fit right on to a standard 8' light stand which can be adjusted as much as I please.

Jul 30, 2012

2012 Vacation - Reptile World - 8

Nice that my last shot of the visit was very possibly my favourite.

The only regret of the visit was that I never got the opportunity to take another attempt at the poison dart frogs. We were patient but they were elusive. We couldn't even find the tiny things in their environment, let along get a photo. Maybe if we head to Calgary in the next few years I will request a detour to visit this amazing collection again.

I hope you enjoyed the series.

Jul 28, 2012

Early Olympics

Yesterday's trip to the zoo was great. Many laps around, read some inspiring articles I've saved and printed out but most interesting was taking a path less travelled out to a dock that shows you a part of the zoo you seldom see. This path is fine sandy gravel. One bit of rain and by wheelchair it is impassable for days. Yesterday it was quite manageable though I was glad for the minimal gear I had with me as some parts of it are a little tricky.

Made a photo out on the dock of some duck getting ready for the olympics ready to start in a few hours. It got quite a buzz on Facebook. Trust me to figure it wasn't much of a photo because it was shot with a very low quality lens borrowed from a friend. The image quality isn't very good by my standards, but it was adequate to catch the moment. Why did I have that lens mounted? The reach, the light weight and because a very protective mother hen had a white and yellow chick with her but as soon as I got close enough to get a shot they scurried under her plumage.

So, here is your Saturday evening dose of cuteness, if you haven't already seen it on Facebook or Twitter.

Jul 27, 2012

2012 Vacation - Reptile World - 7

We made a second lap after the most dangerous creature section so you may see some of the same creatures as in earlier posts.

 Angie held Brittany this year. I didn't feel like it, I was more interested in making a nice, creepy, photo of Angie.

If I ever were to own a reptile it would be a gecko of the colourful variety.

Jul 26, 2012

2012 Vacation - Reptile World - 6

Black Mamba. He didn't cooperate for me very well this time, despite trying to "encourage" him with some flash. This was the best I got.

Jul 25, 2012

2012 Vacation - Reptile World - 5

Now we get into the deadly reptile section. The rattlesnakes, vipers, and of course, the black mamba. First is the hog nosed viper. It's jaws open to reveal two-inch fangs.

Pit viper.

 Rhinoceros Viper

Jul 24, 2012

Watermellon Bowl of Blueberries

I would appreciate your thoughts on which of the two you like better, be it composition, processing or focus.

Unfortunately, this watermelon was best used as a bowl. It wasn't the best of the season.

Jul 23, 2012

2012 Vacation - Reptile World 4

Almost transparent skin on this glass skink.

Not a great photo, but you cannot deny the awesome size of this beast. Being able to look at him on eye level is really neat for me. Angie recently found their Facebook Page where you can see some of the feeding videos. Pretty neat, but it might not be for everyone.

Jul 19, 2012

Jul 18, 2012

2012 Vacation - Reptile World 1

This is the first of likely eight posts. Yeah, I know. Eight posts on Reptile world. I didn't think I had that many photos worth sharing. The final cut as I prepare the posts may weed out a few that I was too generous with initially. For those less interested in photos of reptiles, don't worry. I have some nice food photos coming soon. Perhaps I will use them as an intermission from the Reptile World photos.

The visit to Reptile World was what I was most excited about on this summer's vacation. We went after supper on our final evening in Drumheller and though we missed feeding time, it was nicely quiet with plenty of time for a second look around to see if any of the animals were in more photogenic position. Because of that you may see the same specimen twice in different posts.

Without anymore commentary, here are the first of the photos.

Jul 13, 2012

2012 Vacation - Our Stops

Wanting to make the most out of our trip, we sought out points of interest around Drumheller.

After the Royal Tyrell Museum we checked in to our hotel then went for supper at Bernie & the Boys. It had great reviews. Our view was that it was adequate. Besides being a bit of a shack, and quite difficult to get in to, the food was reasonably priced and decent. The many flavours of milkshakes were what we were most impressed with. Angie's peanut butter milkshake and my pumpkin pie milkshake were the best part of the meal.

Wanting to do something in the evening, we looked for the hoodoos, went the wrong way but ended up at Horse Thief Canyon (the image will take a minute to load). You can navigate by clicking and holding your middle mouse button/scroll wheel and the left click and hold to move around:

UPDATE: You need a Google Earth plugin to view this. If you don't have or don't want it don't worry, you're not missing much.

That digital map is the best I can do because if I thought Bernie & the Boys was tricky to get in, getting to view that canyon would've been simply dangerous. Not the landscape, the drop off the asphalt. Honestly, I was very disappointed in the inaccessibility of Drumheller and area in general. Did I mention the free admission to the Tyrell Museum because of ramps that aren't up to code. Yeah, that about sums it up.

After the canyon we stopped back at the tourist info centre to get directions to the hoodoos. The suspension bridge I remember from grade eight was on the way.

After that we headed to the hoodoos, passing the campground we stayed at on our grade eight trip. I don't have a shot of the hoodoos as, once again, it was steel steps and platforms. The angle I had from the road would have been little more than a snapshot full of other tourists. So, we saw them then headed back to our room for the night.

The next day was our dinner theatre experience in Rosebud. What a quaint, welcoming town. So many of the art galleries, museums, gift shops and other attractions would have been nice to see, but they were up many stairs and the ones Angie saw were snug, anyway. So, I stopped by the meat market to pick up something for a little later. ;)

The streets were so quiet that sidewalks were almost unnecessary. Above, connected to the Meat Market, is the mercantile. You can see it at the end of the street below, connected to the restaurant where our meal was.

Across and just down the street from that is the theatre.

I know a certain set of parents who would enjoy the experience immensely. Maybe these tractors, immediately across from the theatre, will seal the deal, some day.

The meal was amazing. Buffet style brunch including salads, vegetables, fresh fruit, fruit salads, dips, pickled beats, pearl onions, olives, Belgian waffles with all the toppings, omelettes, Salisbury steak, hash browns, braised duck legs and a seafood stew with mussels, king crab and clam in a creamy lemon zest sauce. Yes, the stew was my favourite and I have no doubt that I ate $15 worth of king crab. It was so sweet. Then was the dessert table with pies, cheesecakes, brownies, pastries and more. I was too busy eating to make a nice photo of the food so my words will need to suffice.

The play was a musical version of Anne of Green Gables. The performances were simply excellent and since I had never seen the story so it was most enjoyable.

That evening we tried Cafe Ole for supper and after fighting the slope right up to the door, the thick mat at the door and significant ledge to get in, we discovered that their food was limited, despite online information indicating otherwise. So, we headed to Boston Pizza. It was adequate, but a chain, which we try to avoid in the interest of experiencing unique cuisine when away. After supper was Reptile World. Many posts on that coming next week. Skip ahead to the lake and time with my parents.

It really was a lot of relaxing. The mosquitoes were bad the first day, but the next day was great. Spent most of it on the deck which was fine with us. Mom had an excellent menu planned for us and we enjoyed the food, as we always do, very much. I did take the time to make a few photos as part of a project I'm considering revealing soon, but I probably didn't take enough candids at the lake. We considered making our Christmas photo, but both felt that we weren't looking our best so decided against it.

Kiwi always looks cute so she got a photo of her snapped around the great fire we had the final evening before returning to Saskatoon.