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Apr 19, 2013

Wrestling with Words

That's what I have been doing lately. I have made a decision to begin releasing the work I have done on my personal project. I believe that there is enough quality content that I can give it its own space in hopes that it will grow to something much more than it is at this time.

The biggest challenge is to find an accurate, memorable, available and unmistakable name. It must be free of cheesiness and not easily mistaken or misspelled. When I was trying to title all of my photos a number of years ago, when I felt a title was necessary, I had a terrible habit of using far too many alliterations. They may be cute at first but quickly lose their charm and dignity.

I do not feel that I am poorly written but I want to make certain the name is just right. I think that I can tend to make my sentences longer than they need to be and occasionally overuse commas. But I most definitely try and pay attention when I know I am reading properly written material. My apologies if this turns into a bit of a grammar lesson however, it surprises me how much I get irritated when I read poor grammar in places where the time should have been made to make it correct. Your instead of you're, as in "you're going to win" not, "your going to win." I remember one of my favorite English teachers putting it very simply. He said, "If you cannot use contractions correctly you will not use them in my class." My other biggest annoyance is when someone says "I seen that," instead of "I saw that" or "I have seen that." Gripe ended.

I know language is always evolving and that it will change but I find it difficult to believe that as things change incorrect usage will become acceptable. But, back to the topic at hand.

Part of the lack of content on here has been because of some significant spring blahs. The problem is that we don't have a spring, yet. 10° below normal for three weeks is starting to take its toll on everyone. Yes, at least it is beginning to melt, but it's still not where it should be and my favorite season is passing by underneath piles of snow. It might end up being spring for two weeks and then jumping right into summer. I have been spending time, thesaurus in front of me, preparing a name and content for the new website.

My plan is to make it free. The copyright will be protected and I plan to put measures in place to prevent the content from being misused, but I really do not see their being much of a profit to be made on the work that I have created. If it helps someone and the enjoyment of simply making it, without the complications that money often adds, is what I get out of it, then I will be satisfied. I hope that word spreads enough that I can expand the project to people other than myself and my closest friends. Sorry that I cannot be more specific than that at this time. I know how frustrating vagueness can be.

I already invested much of my time, overhead and some money into this so I won't be paying for a website to host the content. It will be contained in free places such as blogger. I do plan to place a donate button and, should it start to provide adequate funding, I would look at upgrading to a dedicated website or at least a URL/web address.

So, until the flowers start to bloom and until I have some content for the new site it may continue to be somewhat quiet here. I do expect some 2.5 mm headphone jack ends to arrive from Hong Kong in a few days and when they do I will make an extension cord for my Nero Trigger and be able to start using it for larger scale photos. Usually I am pretty good at coming up with something creative to photograph but the rut I have been in is evident in the extensive time between posts. Thank you for sticking with me and when I have something new it will be big.

Apr 1, 2013

Not an April Fool's Joke

I actually have something new! I know it has been a long time since I have posted anything. A lot of behind the scenes work, thought and effort has gone into pieces that I hope will become something I can share before too long. Amongst that work has also been a time of great impatience as the mountains of snow continued to grow instead of slowly recede as they should for this time of year.

Temperatures are still quite far below normal and look like they will stay that way for awhile. However, we should be thankful because these below normal temperatures mean that these mountains of snow will melt very slowly and hopefully prevent any significant flooding.

We returned from Swift Current today from our Easter celebration and getaway. It was a very good time with lots of good food and much good conversation. The men even managed to thoroughly defeat the women at a game of whist. They usually beat us so this time we are going to enjoy basking in the victory because next time they will probably show us how it is done, again.

After completing the photo for the above-mentioned work, I wanted to occupy some time on Saturday morning just photographing something for fun. I have always admired a miniature grain elevator that mom had purchased a number of years ago and came up with the idea to photograph it while looking between the stocks of some wheat in one of the decorations mom had downstairs.

I was going for a post-sunset look with the appearance of a risen full moon with the twilight still showing itself on the side of the elevator.

The delicate work that occurred to put this wonderful wood carving together was simply something I want to photograph. Not unlike the handmade pen, this kind of handiwork really impresses me and deserves to be shown off.

I hope your spring is going well and that your basements are water free. I know that would make for a much more enjoyable spring for everyone.