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Jan 21, 2012

Third Annual EBC Youth Talent Show

Last Friday evening I photographed the Ebenezer Baptist Church Youth Talent Show. I missed last year's due to weather and/or being between cameras. I forget which was the main reason.

The first year had a much larger number of male performers including multiple bands. This year the young men's performances included a walk-on humorous summary performance of Romeo and Juliette and a water chugging contest. Both were good for a laugh.

Danielle sat down at the piano and played Für Elise as beautifully and easily as can be.

The one dance number of the evening was so elegant and graceful. Her hair certainly added to the twirls and movements.

The final performance was a one-time band of guys that, though intended to be humourous, was really well done and I could easily see them taking things beyond a single performance.

My only regret of the night was missing the shot of a guy crowd surfing in the very mini mosh pit.

I look forward to next year's talent show.

Jan 19, 2012

Kiwi and Her New Pillow

As Angie prepares to move her business home we have bought a nice big pillow for Kiwi to spend time on in my office. She is a sweet dog and loves anyone once she gets to know them.

Unfortunately, she has two phases. The "I don't know you, yet" barking phase and the, "Hey, I know you!" barking, squirmy, must greet you, phase. Both will require patience and understanding from myself,  Angie and her clients. Thankfully, being out of sight and near me keeps Kiwi much, much calmer. This pillow will give her a very comfy out of sight alternative to the couch.

Kiwi and Her New Pillow by Jay Scott (jayscottphotography)) on
Kiwi and Her New Pillow by Jay Scott

Jan 14, 2012

Help-Portrait Saskatoon 2011 Video is Up

I am very happy to share with you the video of our efforts on December 10, 2011 at the White Buffalo Youth Lodge.

I have said it before, but I will say it again, it was a great day and felt good to do what we did.  This video really helped those of us who were busy doing something get a glimpse of what else was going on around us while we were working.  I should have taken more of my break time during the day to make a round and observe the other people as they gave.

The support given to us by Potash Corp, CUPE, Beagle Productions, Whitespace, Hard Pressed Printing, and all of the other sponsors was greatly appreciated.  It made a lot of things possible this year that were not possible last year.

But, as much as the money helped, it came down to people committing their time, effort, equipment and hearts to the event.  I still feel in my mind that that is greatest in value.  Krystian Olszanski and his wife Aleksandra made it possible with their organizing and communication, meeting planning and all of those often thankless jobs.  Even now, over a month later there are still some loose ends to be cleared up and we appreciate their hard work.

I'm looking forward to next year's event and hoping that it is even more successful than this year.  We have learned much from successes and mistakes and have nowhere to go but better from here.

I love watching the video and seeing the familiar faces, both participants and clients, from the first year.  What a community building way to become familiar with someone.  The next step, perhaps, would be to ask to get to know them more than just recognize their face.

Jan 3, 2012

Chicken Tortilla Soup

I decided to make a time lapse of us putting together supper last evening. It was a great soup, as always. Nice and spicy and so hearty.

Jan 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I know this may look like the obligatory well wishing post for the year that has arrived. And it is. But I won't carry on to excess about what to expect here on Jay Scott Photography.

The photos will come, though less frequently than in the past. Far fewer visits to the zoo this past year means there will be no Saskatoon Forestry Farm and Zoo series as there was the past two years in the previous home of this site.

Behind the scenes opportunities are being worked on at a comfortable pace, though somewhat slowed by unexpected food poisoning in our household to start the year. Some minor medical maintenance at the end of January has me in a preparation mode to work on what can be worked on and get done what needs to be normally done during what will be, I hope, a brief recovery period. Opportunities will be accepted and scheduled as they come to ensure the results produced are best for everyone.

With this gentle start to winter, spring will be here in no time. all should be back to normal by then, with administrative maintenance taken care of, and that is when I'll emerge from my well heated den to enjoy the best Saskatchewan has to offer.

All the best in 2012 and don't be strangers in the comments or email!
